A few months ago, the English edition of my book titled ‘Learning to Die in Order to Live: Little Things that Make Life Wonderful’ was finally published on Amazon. (See in what Amazon Stores you can find it on About my book Page)

This project began to take shape shortly after the Spanish edition, as the next step due to its positive reception and the way it was helping so many people with different problems and situations. I wanted it to reach individuals from all over the world, and what better way than to publish the book in English, a nearly universal language!

The process took 2 years.

Challenges and Decisions

Concerning the translation, it was important to me that someone who knew me, understood the original meaning of what I was conveying. And preferably someone who grasped the original language, Catalan, be the one to handle it. Since I had a brother living in Hong Kong (where English is widely used), I asked him to undertake the translation. Simultaneously, he thought it would be better if a friend of his, a British man who had spent time in Catalonia and knew Catalan, did the translation. Then, my brother would review it to ensure it maintained the same essence as the original. And so it was, it turned out very well, and he even added notes and context to help English speakers who might not be familiar with certain expressions or aspects related to Catalonia.

Once translated, I needed to manage the transfer of copyright for the English translation and find an interested publisher. I began the search by speaking with contacts and exploring options online. Soon after, a friend of my brother from Pamplona, who had spent some time here, contacted me. He mentioned that he had really enjoyed my book and that it had helped him in a difficult situation. This friend is a priest who has lived in Kenya for many years. He encouraged me to publish in English to reach people in that country. He also connected me with a publisher in Kenya for a potential publication in Africa. While that would have been great, time passed, and unfortunately, it didn’t come to fruition.

In the end, I realized that finding a publisher interested in the English edition was more complex than I had thought, so I decided to take the initiative and self-publish the translation.

The Publication Process

I discovered that I could do this through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform, following a few simple steps once I had the manuscript and cover in the required format. To proceed, I needed to obtain copyright permission. I received support, as always, from my Catalan editor throughout the process.

It took me several months to finalize the edition, as I had to adapt the initial version to the appropriate format to match the size and layout of the text with editions in other languages. My sister, a graphic designer, collaborated on the design, and the son of my Catalan editor, a photography student, contributed with the image. Thanks to their assistance, the result is excellent.

To ensure there were no grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, or misinterpretations, I had my Canadian brother-in-law review the final manuscript, along with his mother. Once the necessary corrections were made, I uploaded the manuscript in PDF and ePub formats to Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing application. After providing all the required information, I published the book. Within about three days, it was available in both print and electronic formats. Then, I began promoting it among English-speaking friends and contacts, as well as those who knew people who spoke English.

During these initial months, the English edition has sold around 100 copies internationally, reaching Australia, Canada, and the United States. I want to express special gratitude to all who have supported me and contributed to this project.

Experience exchange

In summary, the translation process has been quite intense, but ultimately, the goal of publication has been achieved. I hope that by sharing my experience in this way, I can help many more people in various situations, as has been the case with the other editions. The exchange of experiences enriches both the author and the reader. Ultimately, every human being needs to connect with others to learn and provide mutual support in the process of overcoming life’s challenges and obstacles, ultimately finding a horizon.